When Worries Overwhelm
All of us have worries at different times of our lives, and especially the past year with the all the job losses and financial problems, many of us have been worried about what the future will hold. What happens when the worries become overwhelming and interfere with your lives? Worries may lead to anxiety such as panic attacks or avoidance of things that cause us to feel anxious. Some symptoms that worries are becoming overwhelming are:
- Sleep problems, often because of thinking about the problems
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Repeated thinking about the worries often most of or many times during the day
- Panic attack – a sudden onset of fear or apprehension which may accompany shortness of breath, heart palpitation or choking sensations
A few of the ways to help with anxiety are:
- Relaxation exercises, particularly progressive muscle relaxation. We hold a lot of tension in our muscles, and by relaxing the muscles, the whole body starts to calm.
- Breathing deeply and fully (exhaling as long as possible). When we are nervous our breaths become shallow, but by deliberately doing deep breathing, our mind and body relaxes.
- Changing our worry thoughts into thoughts that are more productive or using self-soothing thoughts, such as “this will all work out”, “I am safe”, “all is well”.
- Exercise is an amazing tool to use for releasing tension and reducing the “stress hormones” in our bodies. Any type of exercise is effective for reducing anxiety, both low intensity (walking, yoga, stretching) and high intensity (running, biking, dancing).
Research Update:
Childhood bullies and victims more likely to have suicidal thoughts
March 2, 2012, Medical News Today
Children involved in bullying – as both a victim and a bully – are three times more likely to have suicidal thoughts by the time they reach 11 years old.
Why we pair up with our emotional opposites
February 21, 2012, The Wall Street Journal
Of all the ways that opposites attract, the thorniest may be when emotionally giving types pair up with types who are emotionally reserved.
Migraines linked to depression in women
February 22, 2012, ABC News
Chronic migraines may trigger the debilitating psychological disorder.
From the director:
Kettle Moraine Counseling has been open for 2 years as of March 1st!! The time has flown by and the clinic is much more successful than I ever thought (or planned) it would be. I am blessed to have the clients and the staff that we have. In the 2 years I have grown as the clinic has grown; to all of you who have referred to us and to our clients past, present and future- thank you for trusting us in providing the highest quality care. Our motto is Experienced- Ethical- Client Centered, and we strive to be the best therapists we can be! Until next time, be gentle with yourself and others.
Devona Marshall